INSIGHT on INSIGHT: Utilizing Narrow & Deep Insight Design

WHAT AND WHEN:  Proper usage

Narrow & deep insight design is typically used when a client has a good idea of what they are looking for and where to look for it.  It is the equivalent of drilling a test well after initial geological surveys (through broad & shallow insight) that indicated where the conditions were right for oil.  It may involve an internet survey or interviews that ask a lot of questions about and around a limited number of topics.

This could also be utilized when approaching a single topic or theme in multiple ways to provide the best possible understanding. 

Narrow & deep research is typically done to guide very specific (and often very important or expensive) decisions.


WHY: The benefit and value

Narrow & deep insight is often a termination point.  It is typically the end of a longer journey that has involved prior insight work that lead to the narrow focus.  However, it can also be very tactical work because a client does not want to invest in additional insight.

The narrow focus on this work requires confidence that the client knows what they are looking for and where to find it.  However, significant RIO can still be delivered for several reasons:

  • The insight is clearly aligned with immediate decisions being made.
  • The depth of insight can deliver unique perspective or learning not possessed by competitors.
  • The focused nature minimizes wasteful design or analysis.


HOW:  Tips to guide a basic approach

Narrow & deep insight requires a clear and accurate understanding of what insight is being pursued.  Clients need to be aware that it is entirely possible to learn a lot about the wrong topic.  Or to ask the wrong questions on the right topic.  However, good planning should prevent most of this misdirection from happening.  Some things to consider include:

  • Make sure the right individuals are providing input into the design, questions asked, and answer options.
  • Realize that direct and detailed questions aren’t always the best approach to getting at deeper meaning or understanding.
  • Consider how multiple research questions can be used to answer business questions from different dimensions, providing convergent validity.
  • Be conscious about respondent fatigue or artificial answers.  Odds are good that few people participating in the research have spent time thinking as deeply about this topic as the client has.


APPLICATION:  What to do with the results

Narrow & deep insight is typically driven by a very clear application.  A specific need has most likely prompted the work so concerns with application should be limited.  Other ways to ensure application of this work is successful include:

  • Only share results with decision-makers involved in the project.  Broad distribution can cause complications from people not familiar with the context of the work.
  • Spend time in advance agreeing to exactly how the results will be used to make decisions before the results actually arrive.
  • Consider how the results can be translated into guidelines or principles for future application beyond the immediate need.