The long history of war reflects a repetitive process of developing a more advanced weapon (generally based on greater range, accuracy or destructive power) and then developing a more advanced defense that can withstand that weapon.

The bow and arrow was superior to spears and swords, which then got trumped by cannons and guns and missiles (just to mention a few).

Men carrying shields moved into forts with thick walls, which had to evolve into hardened locations and hardened equipment, and now the ability to be hidden or mobile is an important defense to avoid becoming a target of long-range drones or smart bombs.

Entities of all sizes…from nations to gangs…have survived by bringing the best weapons for the fight.  Few swordsmen exist today because one is rarely victorious when they bring a knife to a gunfight.



In a similar manner, the weapons of retail continue to progress.  Bring an outdated weapon or rely on an outdated defense and your product is likely to become a minor historic footnote.

Buying or owning shelf space could keep competitive products out of distribution…and the reach of shoppers wanting to buy them.

Limited and rudimentary data points used to be enough to engage desperate buyers during line reviews.

Established brands could use huge marketing campaigns to drown out the small and temporary budgets of new product launches.


But these are inadequate today.  They are the gear of second-tier third-world mercenaries. 

The ability to sell anything online has made it far less effective for competition to clog the store shelf with items.

Not just advanced analytics, but insight-based storytelling has allowed new players to disrupt categories where meaningful new insight has been neglected for too long.

Social media has made it easier to target prime prospects and faster for great marketing campaigns or content to spread virally.



Retail victory is not just about appealing to the buyer, it is about beating the competition.  The weapons and strategies and execution you employ must be superior to what your competition brings.

It could be suicidal to think your knife will beat another's gun.  Make sure your arsenal is the best it possibly can be.

Thomas Tessmer