Talk is cheap.  And social media has made it even cheaper.

Which makes Confucius sound even smarter.

How can you change words into actions?  How can you change talking into doing?

In your effort to be better understood (and ultimately purchased), consider the following:

  • Make sure your content and marketing materials ask the audience to engage and not just absorb.
  • Present your product in the context of delivering the benefit it promises.
  • Let potential buyers see your product out of the package and in action.
  • Find ways to drive trial (through samples, demos, etc.), and not just focus on increased awareness.
  • Use dynamic storytelling that brings your product to life in front of the retail buyer.
  • Empower your customer service to actually satisfy customers with unexpected service.
  • Make sure your CTAs (call-to-actions) are focused on satisfying the shoppers’ desire, not your own.
Hear and I’ll ignore.  See and I might notice.  Demonstrate the benefit and I’ll buy.

 - Thomas Tessmer


Experience is the best teacher.  So stop lecturing with slogans and claims and start demonstrating with performance and results.

Thomas Tessmer