OUTSOURCED INSIGHTS: Resources, not staff, to meet the need.

While insights are valuable to any organization, not all organizations can justify staffing full-time insight positions.

For many small- to medium-sized companies, the need for insights comes in waves.  There are significant peaks and valleys throughout the year.

Part of this happens when there is no learning plan to guide consistent work throughout the year.

Part of this is due to the tactical need to deliver insights at key product development, marketing and sales gates.

Part of this comes from the tendency for the insights to be a solution to a need that was overlooked until the last moment.

This creates surge periods when the demand for insight exceeds the capacity to deliver, and other periods when the insights staff is searching for ways to put their excess capacity toward something of value while no immediate needs exist.

There is also a relative scarcity of multi-dimensional insight personnel that combine an understanding of the technical side of good research design, the context of the category, and the perspective of how to deliver results for maximum application.

Beyond the added overhead of staffing a full-time position, additional investment must be made to train and manage those resources.

All of these factors combine to make an on-demand turnkey insight partner a potentially appealing solution.

A similar level of continuity can be maintained through use of the same resource.

A higher level of technical design knowledge and experience can be accessed.

More creative and more insightful deliverables can be expected.

And all of this can come at a significantly lower annual cost, with no ongoing expense when no insight is needed.

Contact us I you see the opportunity to use a virtual staffing solution to bring insight deeper into your organization and eliminate the hassle of added headcount.

Thomas Tessmer