FROM THE ARCHIVES: My Perspective on Omni-Channel (appearing on 8th & Walton's Saturday Morning Meeting)

In October 2014, I had the opportunity to participate in a 18-minute segment on Saturday Morning Meeting to discuss the implications of Omnichannel.  

While this episode is just about a year old (how I miss the longer hair), the underlying facts haven't changed that much.

For most companies, omni-channel sales still represent a small percentage of total sales, though there is evidence that it influences a greater share of bricks & mortar sales.

Companies are still trying to figure out optimal distribution or fulfillment options.

The quantity of content continues to grow while the quality of content continues to be inconsistent.

More and more shoppers are feeling social media fatigue as they are exposed to more and more paid content and respond to less and less of it.

You can see the entire episode HERE (my segment starts at the 5:20 mark).

You can also download the white paper 8th and Walton published related to this work HERE.