INSIGHT on INSIGHT: Interview Questions for Third-Party Agencies

If you’ve chosen to utilize a third-party agency (and not go it alone), you’ve hopefully read the article on picking the right agency.

If you’re still want to feel more prepared to interview and evaluate third-party agencies, here is a list of 14 questions to help find the one that is right for you:


Third-Party Insight Agency Interview Questions

1.         How do insight projects fit with the other services your company offers?

2.         How long has your company been doing insight work?

3.         What work does your company specifically do across the three moments of truth?

4.         What experience do you have with my category or the topics I’m trying to understand?

5.         What type of insight work do you have the most experience with?

6.         What involvement will be needed from me during the project?

7.         How many people and what roles will work on my project?

8.         Explain how my project objectives will be translated into a design?

9.         How do you approach the analysis phase to make sure we don’t overlook unexpected insight in the data?

10.      How is continuity maintained throughout the duration of the project or across different components so we don’t lose context or perspective when work gets handed off to other people?

11.      What will the final deliverables look like?

12.      How can we make sure my company internalizes the insight?

13.      What role can you play in presenting or sharing the results?

14.      What other unique capabilities can you offer that other firms may not be able to match?