Developing a service called an ‘omni-assessment’ was never part of my formal business plan.  Nor was serving the role of omni-advisorship.

 Our omni-assessment and omni-advisorship both evolved from other work I was doing to help clients solve an assortment of related problems from a variety of different angles.


An omni-assessment is a research approach we’ve developed to help clients get a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the current state of their category, the competition and how content is changing the shopper experience.

It is based on a simple premise: 

Companies would be foolish to invest in developing their omni-strategy or start creating content without a clear understanding of who they are communicating with, where those shoppers are looking to absorb content, and what type of content they want to see.

 Cohesive, compelling content in the right place at the right time is the Holy Grail.

We use an internet-based survey platform that provides the richest and most comprehensive linking of profiling, attitudes and habits to capture the biggest, most complete picture possible.

We’ve developed a framework that allows clients to select how many and which components they include based on their learning needs and budget. 

Some of those components include:

  • Shopper segmentation:  We all know that not all shoppers are equal, but often lack the detailed understanding of what key groups look like, how valuable they are, and what makes them tick.
  • Shopper lifecycle mapping:  Most shoppers in most categories go through a lifecycle that involves everything from information gathering to hunting for the best deal.  Companies need to understand each of these phases and provide adaptive content that make sure shoppers continue down the purchase process and are hopefully steered to their brand.
  • Category maturity mapping:  The amount and type of existing content as well as any proliferation in the number of retailers or products available dictates how easily a new product or new content will get noticed in the noise.
  • Desire discovery:  Few companies have the power of Apple to sell people things they didn’t even realize they wanted (or needed).  Deep understanding of the desires of shopper segments will inform everything from package and product design to content development and what platforms that content is distributed on.
  • Competitive positioning: Copying a bigger, more established brand is one of the best ways to go unnoticed.  Being different is one of the best ways to get noticed. 
  • Drivers of platform utilization:  This answers the ‘why’ behind how shoppers choose what tools to use as part of their shopping lifestyle for your category.
  • Content design principles:  Bad content plans start with bad guidance.  This component makes sure creative work is focused on creating the right material. 

The omni-assessment provides the unique playbook for what your brand needs do in your category to win over your shoppers.

With an omni-assessment in-hand, clients can make far better data-based decisions as they figure out how to compete in a quickly changing world.  

But they first need to find the quickly right partners and platforms to execute those decisions.

And our omni-advisorship exists to facilitate those connections.

Think about it this way: 

The omni-assessment provides the winning playbook while the omni-advisorship identifies the right players to recruit for the right positions on your team.


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