FROM THE ARCHIVES: MY Perspective on On Shelf Availability - OSA (appearing on 8th & Walton's Saturday Morning Meeting)

Several years ago, I did a 18-minute episode for 8th and Walton's Saturday Morning Meeting about On Shelf Availability (OSA) along with Michael Smith.  This was during a period when my business was aligned under The Harvest Group.

I thought I'd dig this out of the Youtube archives for all to enjoy.

Here is a little background before you watch the video.

We conducted some primary research (an online survey) to explore three consequences of OSA:

  1. OSA causes shoppers to change both their behaviors (what they buy) and their emotions (what they think and feel).
  2. Shoppers place different blame on the retailer and the brand/manufacturer.
  3. The consequences of OSA are both immediate (the one buying event) and longer-term (new product trial that threatens established habits or loyalty).