INSIGHT on INSIGHT: The Moment(s) of Truth

You’ve probably heard of the ZMOT, FMOT or SMOT, right?  These are the acronyms for the Zero, First and Second Moments of Truth, respectively.

Each represents an important action or decision point in the path from a company trying to sell something, a shopper deciding to buy it and that someone (not always the buyer) using or consuming the product while simultaneously influencing what the next purchase decision will be.

They follow a prior stage typically labeled stimulus.  This is the genesis of desire.  It is the moment someone discovers that a product category exists.  It is the moment of realization that a new feature or benefit is offered that could improve their life.  It is the awakening of a state of need or want that can only be satisfied with the acquisition of a new product or service.

That need stage triggers a sequence of three phases that might unfold over a few seconds or take months or even years.

ZMOT is the information gathering and research phase:  In a sense, this phase is a steady, non-stop experience.  We are constantly being exposed to information that directly or indirectly shapes our acquisition and consumption desires.  At times, we intentionally invest extra attention, but the exposure is always there.

FMOT is the shopping and purchase phase:  This phase used to primarily occur in a store, in front of a shelf.  It also existed through phone calls in response to telemarketing or catalogs.  However, the internet and connected mobile devices has created virtual shelves and the ability to shop and purchase through a screen anytime and anywhere.

SMOT is the usage and consumption phase:  While this phase often happens in the home, it also occurs throughout one’s day including in the car and at work.  It is important to note that many categories have a shopper experiencing the FMOT and a different consumer or user experiencing the SMOT.

These are called moments of truth because the outcome of each phase defines what realities exist for the next phase.

The information processed in ZMOT determines which items are in the consideration set (and thus more likely to be noticed or evaluated at the shelf or on a screen) during the FMOT shopping experience.

The product(s) purchased (along with those considered, but ultimately not purchased) define the consumption experience of SMOT, including how that experience is evaluated (versus absolute expectations and relative to the perceived or actual experience of other products).

Companies that do their homework to understand and master their performance at each moment can benefit from a positive chain reaction (or virtuous circle) while those that neglect any or all of them can spiral into a negative chain reaction (or vicious circle).

Virtuous Circles:  Imagine if your company was able to better reach prospective buyers with better content.  By controlling their education, you build brand awareness, establish what should be expected of products and ultimately shape what shoppers look for and how they approach the purchase decision during the shopping experience.  Your product could be no better than competitive products (and maybe even slightly worse), yet you could still convince people during the consumption experience to come back and buy your product again and again with little consideration for other products.  You could own each moment of truth.

Vicious Circles:  Now, let’s assume your competition does a better job reaching shoppers during ZMOT.  They are now having more influence on how the shopper perceives the category and determines what is best for their needs.  And you can be sure that your competition will be emphasizing the features and benefits their products deliver and driving awareness of their own brands.  The competition now has the advantage during the shopping experience.  And this advantage cascades into a convincing consumption experience that could permanently shut your product out from future consideration.


Now you are beginning to see how critical it is to understand and craft the right message and right experience for each of these three phases if you want to grow sales.

We’d love to help you pick the right research techniques to explore and understand each so you can experience the virtuous circle and let your competition deal with the vicious cycle.

If you’re not sold on how this can be a game changer, read a little more about how to study and understand each of the four components as they relate to your category by clicking one of the links below: 

Stimulating the Desire

Zero Moment of Truth

First Moment of Truth

Second Moment of Truth

Or if you’re looking for a little more entertainment value, here is a good 10-minute video that walks through an overview of the entire process.