INSIGHT on INSIGHT: Utilizing an Omni-Assessment

WHAT AND WHEN:  Proper usage

An omni-assessment seeks to understand the current state and maturity of a category relative to its omni-channel existence.  This includes understanding the two dimensions of how access to information has changed (what exists, what is valued, how is it used, etc.) and how access to product has changed (where are shoppers looking for and buying product and why, etc.).

Omni-assessments also look at the current and potential utilization of social media and mobile-based platforms for a particular category.

Similar to how a category assessment gives a broad perspective focused on the category, an omni-assessment gives a broad perspective focused on the category’s digital existence.


WHY: The benefit and value

The value of an omni-assessment increases as more shoppers are being more influenced by information beyond mass marketing and store shelves.  It helps companies understand where to make smart investments that translate to capturing new shoppers and new sales.

This technique is smart pre-work before larger checks are written to pursue digital, mobile or omni-channel strategies that may completely miss the mark. 

After all, a lot of work is being blindly done in the digital domain because companies think they need to do something or the latest shiny object has captured their attention (read:  App, social tool, etc.).  However, money can quickly and permanently be lost in this realm if it is misdirected and not built on a solid understanding of what shoppers are looking for and what they will respond to.


HOW:  Tips to guide a basic approach

The omni-channel maturity across categories varies widely, meaning different categories will have different learning needs.  A good effort in a very immature category might capture lots of attention and great results.  That same effort in a mature category might go completely unnoticed.

Proper approach to this work should include answers the following questions:

  • Who is going online to make purchases and why?
  • What social platforms are shoppers interested in engaging with the category?
  • What types of engagement are appealing to shoppers?
  • What are shoppers interested in from an educational or entertainment dimension?
  • How do shoppers claim different elements have actually altered their behaviors?


APPLICATION:  What to do with the results

Depending on how much a company plans to address in an omni-channel strategy, this work can be used to make several key decisions:

  • Should our company invest more in an omni-strategy?
  • What elements should that omni-strategy contain?
  • Where does it make the most sense to focus more investment?
  • What should our brand’s voice and presence look like across the various platforms?
  • What principles should guide any digital or mobile activations we develop?

In some categories, not focusing on an omni-strategy could become a significant threat to the business.  In other categories, omni-channel could still have a first-mover advantage and opportunity to capture attention and sales where no competitors are currently focusing their efforts or effectively doing work.